


Project Description:

In the following project, you will create a worksheet comparing the sales of different types of oven steamers sold in the second quarter.

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Open   the file Student_Excel_1E_Steamer_Sales.xlsx downloaded with the project.


Change the workbook Theme to   Wisp. If the Wisp theme is not available on your computer, in the Themes   gallery, click Browse for Themes, and then select the theme from your   downloaded student data files.


In cell B3, use the fill handle   to fill the months February and March in the range C3:D3.


Merge & Center the title   across the range A1:F1, and then apply the Title cell style. Merge &   Center the subtitle across the range A2:F2, and then apply the Heading 1   style. Center the column titles in the range B3:F3.


Widen column A to 180 pixels, and   then widen columns B:F to 115 pixels. If any columns are too narrow to   display all the data, apply AutoFit to the column. In the range B7:D7, enter   the monthly sales figures for the Tilting Kettle for January, February, and   March as follows:

75733.85 for January and 68541.64 for February and 82955.31 for March.

  Mac users: Widen column A to 21.83 (136 pixels) and columns B:F to 13.83 (88   pixels).


In cell B8, on the Home tab, use   the AutoSum button to sum the January sales. Copy the resulting formula   across to cells C8:D8 to sum the February monthly sales and the March monthly   sales. In cell E4, use the AutoSum button to sum the Chef Master Steamer   sales. Copy the formula down to cells E5:E8.


Apply the Heading 4 cell style   to the row titles and column titles, and then apply the Total cell style to   the totals in the range B8:E8. 


Apply the Accounting Number   Format to the first row of sales figures and to the total row. Apply the   Comma Style to the remaining sales figures.


To compare the monthly sales of   each product visually, select the range that represents the sales figures for   the three months, including the month names and the product names—do not   include any totals in the range. With this data selected, use the Recommended   Charts command to insert a Clustered Column chart with the month names   displayed on the category axis and the product names displayed in the legend.


Move the chart so that its upper   left corner is positioned in the center of cell A10. Then drag the center   right sizing handle to the right until the right edge of the chart aligns   with the right edge of column E; this will display the legend on one row and,   after you add the sparklines, center the chart below the data.


Apply Chart Style 5 and change   the colors by applying the third row of colors under Colorful. Change the   Chart Title to First Quarter Oven Steamer Sales


In the range F4:F7, insert Line   sparklines that compare the monthly data. Do not include the totals. Show the   sparkline Markers. Display the sparkline Style gallery, and then in the   second row, apply the first style.


Center the worksheet   Horizontally on the page, and then insert a Footer with the File Name in the   left section.


Change the Orientation to   Landscape. Display the document properties, and then as the Tags type steamer sales
  As the Subject, type your course name and section number. Be sure your name   displays as the Author. Check your worksheet by previewing it in Print   Preview, and then make any necessary corrections.


Save and close the workbook, and   then submit for grading.

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