Medicolegal Death Investigation


You are a crime scene investigator on a homicide, and you find that you have several types of evidence that must be photographed, logged, and recovered from that scene. More specifically, there is drying blood on the floor that needs to be collected, a handgun and several shell casing near the victim, and several hairs that are still in the hand of your deceased victim. For this assignment, you are to do the following:

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  • Explain how you would recover dried blood, a handgun, shell casings, and hairs that are at the crime scene.
  • What tools you would use to recover the evidence?
  • How would you package the evidence for safekeeping and transportation? 
  • What types of tests could be performed on this evidence at the crime lab?
  • Provide APA citation and references for your material.

The following guidelines will be used for grading:


Students explain how they would recover dried blood, a handgun, shell casings, and hairs that are on the crime scene.


Students explain what tools they would use to recover the evidence.


Students explain how they would package the evidence for safekeeping and transportation.


Students explain what types of tests could be performed on this evidence at the crime lab.


APA citations and references are used to support facts posed by student posts.



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