Part A – Identify 6 fact-finding techniques (observation, research, reviewing documentation, interviews, and surveys) explain each how you would apply 3 of those techniques if you were asked to collect information regarding how to improve the learning management system we use in this class.


Part B – Define and provide an example for the different multiplicity relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many).

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Assignment Guidelines

Do “not” include the questions with your answers.


The submission should demonstrate your understanding of the assigned material and be in the order of 650+ words in length


Your submission must be original, include supporting sentences using the terms, concepts, and theories with the page number or website from the required readings or other material. Your submission should paraphrase the material you reference, restrict your use of direct quotes (copy and paste) to less than 15% of the submission (the grade will be impacted if you exceed this limit).


There are writing guidelines in the syllabus – use good judgement, the submission must be well organized and convey your understanding of the assigned material. Provide citations and references in APA style.


Name your document Last Name_Assignment5 (i.e. Smith_Assignment5)

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