Part 1: Fermentation Initial Blog PostFermentation is an important process in biology. It is also an important process in which many foods we eat and beverages we drink are made. Now that you have had a chance to study the various ways in which fermentation can be used, you will choose a topic from the table below that uses an organism that undergoes fermentation to produce the desired product and discuss. Find a credible and reliable, scientific resource that augments what you have already learned about fermentation and the product it produces and address the following questions.


  1. Which food product did you choose?
  2. What does this process involve (describe the method)?
  3. What types of other foods can be prepared using this method?
  4. What type of organism (living creature) is used for this product of fermentation?

NOTE: Neither open resources nor open blogs can be used as sources of information; see ‘Researching Information’ within the class for more information on appropriate credible/reliable sources of information.Do not use any websites associated with the following:

  • Encyclopedia/Wikipedia Articles
  • Course Descriptions
  • Sites posted by elementary and high school classes
  • Sites designed to “sell” you on a religious view, a philosophy or a product
  • Sites already posted by another student or the instructor. If the root web address is the same, don’t use it. No duplicate websites are permitted.

Share the website with the class by writing a full paragraph summary (150 words minimum) of what you have learned or have found particularly helpful when reviewing the website. Do not copy and paste directly from the website. This blog should be written in your own words.  Any content and paraphrased information from the resource (URL) must be properly cited per APA including the specific URL (website) you are recommending.  

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