1) ask Functions and Maintenance Functions create a balance that suggest

team effectiveness. Imagine that you are the facilities manager
supervising part time staff that clean and prepare the facilities for
team use. What steps would you implement to ensure team
development surrounding these two functions.

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2)Team Cohesiveness is largely a function of the value placed on
membership. Think of an organization that you belong to or are familiar
with and describe ways to increase cohesiveness and assuring that
social loafing is minimized.

3)People in sports organizations are by their very nature competitive
people. Typically, they previously were athletes and understand the
nature of competition and how to build athletic teams. However, the
organization that supports teams must be careful not to have
its members competing with each other as they deliver their services to
the organization. Describe how you would foster cooperation among
non-athlete personnel while using competition as a tool to that end.

4)Describe how communication in a digital world can foster effective
communication while at the same time serving as a barrier to effective

5)Communication is fundamental to management. It is often distorted because of the reasons cited in the text/PPT. Think of how ineffective communication between a staff group would create a dangerous circumstance for the workers. For example, when I was in facilities management on a college campus, we’d use the athletic facilities for concerts. Please use your own example and then select information from the text for discussion

6)Think of a CEO of an athletic organization you are familiar with. Describe the types of power that he or she uses and how they use it to influence the organization and outcomes.

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