MUST BE NEW AND ORIGINAL WORK NOT GIVEN TO OTHER STUDENTS. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Include citations in the text and references at the end of the document in APA format. ONLY NEED WEEK 1 AND THE SECTION BELOW COMPLETED.PLEASE READ INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY. IN TEXT CITATION AND MUST CITE ALL REFERENCE IN APA FORMAT–ORIGINAL WORK ONLY   


Please follow instructions below, and leave the powerpoint slide plain.

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Resource: Ch. 3, 9, & 13 of Personality: Theory and Research (plus additional chapters as needed, and any other outside sources that your team finds).


Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the following: 

  • Do men and women develop personality in a different manner? Is there a difference in the expression of personality in varying social and occupational roles?
  • Are certain aspects of personality theory more applicable to men and others more applicable to women?
  • How does gender interact with biological, social, and cultural factors to form personality?
  • Do certain theories have strengths or limitations with respect to gender and personality? (2 Slides on this obejctive ONLY)

Note: this is a team assignment. I only need 2 Slide. please enusre that you follow the directions below  vvvvvv
Make sure to include a minimum of 3 sources in your presentation: the text, a peer-reviewed journal article and one other source.
Make sure that the bulk of the information is in the notes section, and that your slides follow the 6:6 rule (no more than 6 bullet points per slide, with 6 words per point).

Make sure that your presentation fits APA standards, including using appropriate citations when necessary in the notes section and on the slides themselves.


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