GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Write a well-developed, coherent essay on the topic given below. Use MLA or APA format. Your essay should be of sufficient length to discuss the topic thoroughly. Include a thesis statement, give specific details in logically related sentences, and show proper relationships between your ideas. When you are finished, re-read your essay to ensure that your sentences are clear and understandable. Proofread for errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Use a dictionary. TOPIC: CRITICAL READING AND ANALYSIS PART I: Carefully read the ″Final Exam Article,″ found under the FINAL EXAM ARTICLE file in FILES. PART II: In at least five well-developed paragraphs, evaluate the effectiveness of the argument presented in the attached essay. Include 1) a definition of the author’s argument; 2) a summary of the author’s major points and evidence; 3) a critique of the passage’s tone and style; 4) a statement of your own position on the issue; and 5) a conclusion on the effectiveness of the article. AACU (AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES) CRITERIA FOR PASSING: The curriculum of English 102 centers on critical reading and written analysis of texts; therefore, students must be able to coherently summarize and evaluate any given article. Students must meet or exceed the following standards for college-level writing in both form and content, scoring a mean score of 2 or higher on the AACU Written Communication Value Rubric, which focuses on the following criteria: Content and Purpose for Writing: The writer demonstrates awareness of context, audience, purpose, and the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., begins to show awareness of audience′s perceptions and assumptions). Content Development: The writer uses appropriate and relevant content to develop and explore ideas through most of the work. Genre and Disciplinary Conventions: The writer follows expectations appropriate to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s) for basic organization, content, and presentation. Sources and Evidence: The writer demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. Control of Syntax and Mechanics: The writer uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors. ORIGINAL CRITERIA FOR PASSING THE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAM: The curriculum of English 102 centers on critical reading and written analysis of texts; therefore, students must be able to coherently summarize and evaluate any given article. Students must meet or exceed the following standards for college-level writing in both form and content: The essay has a clearly stated thesis that adheres to the objectives of the assignment and provides for a unified and coherent essay structure. The thesis statement is sufficiently supported by specific examples and details drawn directly from the article. The essay is logically organized with effective transition between ideas and clearly stated topic sentences for each individual paragraph. The essay demonstrates a clear understanding of the article and the major issues and opinions expressed in it. The student also exhibits an ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the article, to form and communicate opinions on the issues discussed, and to quote and paraphrase the article correctly. The essay is largely free of grammatical, usage, spelling, and punctuation errors: no more than 5 major grammatical errors (subject/verb agreement, comma splices, sentence fragments, run-on (fused) sentence, principle parts of the verb) and no more than 10 minor errors (spelling of common words, case, punctuation, pronoun agreement, usage, verb tenses). Please read the article I attachment 

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