Now that we have entered the conversation by looking closely at the conversation surrounding the role of social

media and smartphones on the behavior and emotional states of a generation, you will now get to write your own

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critical analysis of the recent Atlantic article by Jean M. Twenge. For this assignment, you are required to

provide an account of Twenge’s article to an intelligent reader, showing not just what her article is saying and

doing, but also taking a clear stance on the extent by which you find her article to be effective While I don’t want to place too many limits on how you approach this assignment, there are many common

features to an analysis of its kind, including:

• Introducing the project, suggesting what prompted the argument, and showing an a wariness of the rhetorical

situation in

which the article was written,

• Identifying Twenge’s argument, what she attempts to get her reader to believe, or how she wants her

audience to think and act differently,

• Providing a summary of the article wit

h enough detail that your reader can imagine it using a combination of

your own words and key passages from the text, avoiding inaccuracies and oversimplification,

• Providing a detailed analysis of the argument by identifying significant strategies Twenge

uses to advance

her argument, including her use of evidence, warrants, concessions, qualifiers, counter arguments,

fallacies, or other rhetorical strategies,

• Suggesting why certain rhetorical choices may have been made, why they are important, and what

else she

could have done to make her argument stronger,

• Situating Twenge’s argument in the larger conversation that other writers have engaged in, showing how her

article may work to illustrate, clarify, extend, and/or complicate these other arguments presented by the

likes of Sherry Turkle or Adam Conover,

• Taking a stance in the form of an argument that suggests how and why Twenge’s argument may or may not

have persuaded you,

• Planting a naysayer by anticipating of any objections your reader might take to your own analysis, and

• Suggesting any further action that can be taken by yourself or your readers.

These above suggestions should not be seen as a formal checklist, nor should you feel the need to respond in

the order listed. I have merely provided you with a number of options (some more critical than others) for you to take in order to write an effective analysis.

There are a few things this essay shouldn’t do: this is not intended to be a mere summary of Twenge’s article,

nor is it an assignment where you are merely expressing your opinion on the issues Twenge’s explores. If you

agree or disagree with her, try to remain outside of the fray. Don’t attack, defend, or celebrate the writer’s position. Remember, if your goal is to build bridges with y

our reader, make an effort to build common ground, and avoid the risk of offending your reader. Your job is to describe how the writer deals with opposition, not to be op-positional yourself. Also, concentrate your focus on the essay itself, on Twenge’s rhetorical moves, rather than the writer. In other words, describe the argument, not the arguer.

(I need a strong introduction. I need a separate paragraph shows the summary of the article. and I need to choose “3” different main strategies (topics) (ethos pathos and logos are not strategies!!). each one on separate paragraph. must have evidence and quotes that all matches and make sense. and strong conclusion that leaves the reader with something!)

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