Guidelines for the Unit 4 Exam:

For the Unit 4 Exam, download the file attached above. The file includes a set of documents, as well as four sections of questions related to the documents and time period being covered in class. For your paper, answer all of the questions in each section. The total word count for all four sections together must be more than 1000 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.

Research and Citations:

The Unit Exams are not timed, so you may use the textbook, videos, assigned documents, or other outside sources. In the case of the textbook and the videos, only direct quotes need to be cited, requiring only the author’s last name in parentheses. Outside sources (books, websites, etc.) may also be used, but in this case, all information must be cited and must be listed in a works cited (or bibliography) at the end of the essay. For your citations, please use Chicago, MLA, or APA. You will submit your paper through plagiarism checking software, so be sure to cite any and all direct quotes.  For help with citations, see the “History / Writing Help” section of the course menu.

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How to submit your exam:

All four sections of the Unit 4 Exam must be submitted together in a single word processing document. The Unit 4 Exam is worth 100 points of the final grade and will be due by 11:55 PM on the date listed in the course calendar. All papers must be submitted through the course website and must be one of the following file types: .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt. Do NOT submit .pdf, .pages, or google doc files.

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