“The concept of laissez faire was very important to American history from 1865 to 1900.  It had a key role in determining what happened during both Reconstruction and industrialization.”  Questions:  What was the concept of laissez faire?  What five factors made it such a popular philosophy during these years?  How did laissez faire effect Reconstruction? How did laissez faire effect the Gilded Age?  Use specific information to support your answer.

Select four of the following options and write a short response explaining what it is and why it is significant. Be sure to use the significance specifically discussed in lecture. (60 points total/15 points each). 

  1. Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896
  2. Ida B. Wells
  3. Interstate Commerce Act, 1887
  4. Omaha Platform, 1892
  5. Upton Sinclair
  6. Anthracite Coal Strike, 1902

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