Apply the Seven Visual Elements to Art: How Do You Organize and Harmonize Your Art? Template (3–4 pages) 

Use this template as a guide to writing your Apply the Seven Visual Elements to Art: How Do You Organize and Harmonize Your Art? assignment. Be sure to include all the headings and answer all the questions underneath each heading. 

Selected Piece of Modern Art (1/2–1 page) 

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  • What piece of modern art from your textbook did you select to hang on your wall at home or at work? 
  • Why did you select this particular piece of modern art? What about this artwork moved you?  
  • Copy and paste an image of your selected artwork into your assignment. This is not included in the required page count. 

Background on the Artwork (1/2–1 page) 

  • Based on the information in your textbook, what background, or context, can you provide about the artwork?   
  • Be sure to consider the artist, the time period, and the artwork in your response. 

The Seven Visual Elements (1–1½ pages) 

  • How would you describe the seven visual elements used to analyze art: line, color, shape, form, value, space, and texture?  
  • These resources will help you with this section of your assignment: 
  • How the Elements of Art Shape Creativity  
  • The Seven Visual Elements of Art Handout 
  • The seven videos from The Elements of Art.  

The Two Most Influential Visual Elements to My Selected Artwork (1 page) 

  • Which two of seven visual elements most influenced your selection?  
  • Why did they influence your selection?   
  • What concluding statement(s) would you like to make about your chosen artwork? 

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