

Reflection Papers on Assigned Books

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For each book, you are to write a reflection on what you personally got out of the book about the subject and his/her culture and send this as an email to a friend or family member (and include it in your PDF file). Obviously, your reflection will need to make specific references to incidents, themes, and ideas in the books. Each reflection must be at least 500 words.  


Leymah Gbowee, Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War 

Thich Nhat Hanh, Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices

Malalai Joya, A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Raise Her Voice


Gregg Krech, Naikan: Gratitude, Grace, and the Japanese Art of Self-Reflection


I need someone who has access to those books or can get them because I dont have those books

2 pags reflection from each book total 8 pages

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