Hello. Using the Epics & User Stories material from the 4/16 lecture (AgileScrum.pptx in theI attachment below), please answer the following:

What type of role and employer do you hope to work in after you complete your collegiate studies (eg your position & the entity)?

What products or services are provided by this employer?

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Who are the key User Groups of the entity (eg if the entity was CSUF, three key user groups or user types are Students, Faculty, & Administration)?

For each key user group, please provide a User Story in the following format:

As a [user type], I want to [achieve some outcome] so that [some purpose is attained] 

An example of a user story for my role is:  As an Instructor of CPSC 313, I want to teach students about the computer’s impacts on society so that they have additional understanding of the world around them.

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