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INFO531 – Case Study#1

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Please read and review the Chapter 6 Case Study:

Trouble with the Terrorist Watch List Database (page 240 of your text)

After your review, please answer the following questions and formulate them into an APA formatted paper:

If you are using the 13th edition of the book, see the document attached to this assignment, for the narrative of the case study.

(1)    What concepts in this chapter are illustrated in this case?
(2)    Why was the consolidated terror watch list created? What are the benefits of the list?
(3)    Describe some of the weaknesses of the watch list. What management, organization, and technology factors are responsible for these weaknesses?
(4)    How effective is the system of watch lists described in this case study? Explain your answer.
(5)    If you were responsible for the management of the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC), what steps would you take to correct some of these weaknesses?
(6)    Do you believe that the terror watch list represents a significant threat to individuals’ privacy or Constitutional rights? Why or why not?
(7)    Describe your understanding of the Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP), and provide at least two pros and cons to this initiative.
(8)    Describe the current status of “Secure Flight.” Has TSA been able to overcome the privacy concerns?


(a)    Write in APA format
(b)    Each item will have a proper APA heading
(c)    Response to each of the 1-8 items above must be at least 150 words
(d)    The paper must have at least five (5) reputable sources with proper citations from these sources
(e)    Please submit by the due date 

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