Information System. 1: Information Security Threats

Go through some Web sites of ArtShirts’s competitors, such as:

Ecodesignz (2007). Bamboo Clothes Web site.

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Based on these Web sites, answer the following:

  • Examine the sensitivity of information held by competitors of ArtShirts. What are the confidential information assets they collect and must protect?
  • Identify security threats that might be faced by those competitors.

Write your initial response in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


2: Information Security Policy

Read the privacy policy that was put up on the ArtShirts Web site to reassure customers that information provided by them remained confidential.

Click here: (MI_DMM5050_PrivacyPolicy.pdf) for the privacy policy that was put up on the ArtShirts Web site. ( I will upload this file for you )

Based on your weekly readings, case study information, and Internet research, do the following:

  • Evaluate the privacy policy of the company and recommend improvements.
  • Create a communication plan for ArtShirts employees to encourage compliance to information security standards.

Write a 1–2-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Information System

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