In this section, you will upload the following items:

  • Speech Outline with References  (Please upload this document in Microsoft Word or PDF format)
  • PowerPoint Slides (Please upload this document in Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF format)
    • **If using Google Docs/ Google Slides, please save as PDF documents and upload them here.  


Using the attached template as a guide, create a full-sentence informative speech outline. The outline should include a reference section at the end with 3-5 credible sources cited properly in APA format. If you need assistance creating APA citations, you may visit this site below for more information. You can also find a visual example of an APA reference page in the Speech Toolbox (located on the left-hand navigation menu). Review the attached grading rubric for more details on how the final grade will be determined.

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Resources: to an external site.

Unsure if your outside sources are credible? Review this article for more information! to an external site.

You will also need to create a powerpoint (or Google Slides) presentation for your visual aid. The powerpoint will need to include 5-7 slides and will need to be incorporated into your presentation. The video below can be used if you need tips on how to create a visually appealing powerpoint. Please keep in mind that you will need to show the powerpoint during your speech recording as well. to an external site.

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