International trade relations

International trade relations.

International trade relations
Question 1: The WTO provides a framework for member governments to:
a) agree on global rules applicable to their international trade relations
b) meet regularly and consider information provided by the members to the WTO
c) review each member’s trade-related policies and practices
d) settle their trade disputes
e) all of the above
Question 2: Before the creation of the WTO in 1995…
a) there were no fundamental rules on international trade
b) there was no international forum dealing with international trade rules
c) the old GATT 1947 provided the fundamental rules for international trade
d) the International Trade Organization served as an organization for liberalizing trade
Question 3: Which of the following is a source of gains from trade?
a) Gains from specialization and a broader variety of goods and services
b) Gains from more competition and lower prices
c) Gains from exploitation of economies of scale
d) All of the above are sources of gains from trade
Question 4: The General Council of the WTO is:
a) the highest decision-making body in the WTO.
b) composed by representatives of all Members and the Secretariat.
c) meets as appropriate to adopt decisions on behalf of the Ministerial Conference when the Conference is not in session.
d) is chaired by the Director-General of the WTO.
Question 5: In the WTO, decisions are taken:
a) by the Director-General of the WTO, on behalf of the Members.
b) by Members, by voting only.
c) by Members, generally by consensus, but voting is possible.
d) by Members, by consensus at all times.
Question 6: Which of the following statements regarding tariffs and quantitative restrictions is TRUE?
a) Both tariffs and quantitative restrictions are generally prohibited under the WTO.
b) Both tariffs and quantitative restrictions are generally permitted under the WTO.
c) Quantitative restrictions are generally allowed as long as they are applied on an MFN basis.
d) Members are generally prohibited from applying quantitative restrictions.
Question 7: The principle of transparency…
a) allows members and traders to know what are the rules affecting trade.
b) is directly linked to the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM).
c) relates to the dissemination of information through a number of WTO databases.
d) allows enhancing the understanding of regional trade agreements.
e) all of the above
Question 8: The MFN obligation applies…?
a) To WTO Members and governments in process of accession.
b) To WTO developed Members only.
c) To WTO Members who are signatories of the MFN Agreement.
d) To WTO Members.
Question 9: What do the tariff commitments in the “WTO schedules of concessions” for trade in goods reflect:
a) Minimum tariff levels.
b) Applied tariff levels.
c) Maximum tariff levels.
d) Schedules containing only quotas.
Question 10: For trade in goods, the main principles of the WTO do NOT include:
a) the most-favoured-nation (MFN) principle
b) the national treatment principle
c) the general prohibition of tariffs
d) the general prohibition of quantitative restrictions
Question 11: The general exceptions laid down in Articles XX of the GATT 1994 allow Members to derogate, under certain conditions, from one or more obligations contained in the GATT for the purpose of:
a) protecting non essential security interests
b) facilitating structural adjustment of the domestic industry
c) protecting their balance of payments
d) protecting human, animal or plant health
Question 12: Which of the following statements regarding Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are CORRECT?
a) Under the GATT, RTAs take the form of free-trade areas or customs unions.
b) WTO Members are allowed, under certain conditions, to depart from MFN principle.
c) Free trade areas are more prevalent than customs unions.
d) RTAs can cover both goods and services.
e) a), b) c) and d).
Question 13: Which of the following describes the practice of “dumping”?
a) The export of a product at a price higher than the price of that same product in the market of the exporting country.
b) The export of a product at a price substantially lower than the price of that same product in the importing country.
c) The export of a product at a price made artificially competitive by a subsidy given by the government of the exporting country.
d) The export of a product at a price lower than the price of that same product in the market of the exporting country.
Question 14: Which of the following determinations are required before the imposition of anti-dumping measures?
a) That there are “dumped imports”.
b) That dumping is causing material injury to the domestic industry.
c) That the exporter had the intention of driving its competitors out of the market.
d) That there is a causal relationship between the injury and the dumping.
e) a), b) and d)
Question 15: The SCM Agreement …
a) regulates the use of subsidies.
b) sets forth disciplines regarding the imposition of countervailing measures.
c) prohibits all subsidies.
d) both a) and b).
Question 16: In case of differences between Members over trade measures:
a) affected Members can bring the case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
b) affected Members can bring the case before the WTO Dispute Settlement Body.
c) affected Members can bring the case before the Committee on Agriculture.
d) affected companies can bring the case before the WTO Dispute Settlement Body.
Question 17: The negative consensus rule is:
a) A decision-making rule according to which the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding applies only to those Members who agreed to be bound by it.
b) One of the most important differences between the GATT and the WTO, according to which consensus is required to adopt the panel’s reports.
c) A decision-making rule which reverses the requirement of consensus for the establishment of panels and adoption of panel and Appellate Body reports.
d) A new negotiating approach that solved the problem of “blocking” the establishment of a panel and adoption of panel reports.
Question 18: The Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) covers disputes among all WTO Members arising under:
a) Any provisions of the WTO Agreements.
b) The WTO Agreement, the GATT 1994 and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism.
c) The Agreement establishing the WTO, all the multilateral Agreements on trade in goods, the GATS and the TRIPS Agreements.
d) None of the above.
Question 19: The Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM):
a) applies only to trade in goods.
b) is entirely based on the report of the government reviewed.
c) is a mechanism aimed at reviewing Member’s trade policy regimes.
d) is a mechanism exclusively aimed at reviewing Member’s implementation of WTO commitments.
Question 20: Which of the following statements about the GATT 1994 are CORRECT?
a) It is one of the Multilateral Trade Agreements on Trade in Goods.
b) It includes the basic obligations on trade in goods.
c) It applies to all WTO Members.
d) a), b) and c).
Question 21: Which of the following constitute one of the main pillars of the Agreement on Agriculture?
a) Market access.
b) Domestic support.
c) Export competition.
d) a), b) and c).
Question 22: Which of the following statements about the GATS are CORRECT?
a) The GATS covers services supplied under the exercise of government authority.
b) Each WTO Member is required under the GATS to submit a Schedule of specific commitments for trade in services.
c) GATS Schedules contain specific commitments on market access and national treatment.
d) Each Member decides which sectors it wishes to commit in its Schedule.
e) b), c) and d)
Question 23: Which of the following statements about the TRIPS Agreement are CORRECT?
(a) Aims at promoting effective and adequate protection of intellectual property rights and ensuring that measures to enforce these rights do not become barriers to trade.
(b) Is based on the main conventions of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
(c) Includes the fundamental rules on national treatment and MFN principle.
(d) Recognizes Members’ right to adopt measures for public health reasons.
(e) All of the above.
Question 24: The TRIPS Agreements includes provisions on..
a) trademarks.
(b) geographical indications
(c) patents
(d) enforcement procedures to permit prompt and effective action against any act of infringement of intellectual property rights.
(e) all of the above.
Question 25: Which of the following statements regarding the Doha Round of negotiations are CORRECT?
a) The overall conduct of the negotiations is supervised by the Trade Negotiations Committee.
b) The development aspects of the negotiations permeate all negotiating subject areas.
c) A number of Members have formed groups or coalitions on the basis of geographical links or common positions in the negotiations.
d) a), b) and c).
Question 26: What is the Doha Development Agenda?
a) A work programme setting new deadlines for the implementation of WTO Agreements by developing Members, which was agreed upon at the Doha Ministerial Conference.
b) A work programme, which was agreed upon at the Doha Ministerial Conference and is related to the inclusion of a development dimension into the WTO Agreements.
c) A work programme connected to the launch of a new negotiations round at the Doha Ministerial meeting on labour standards, investment and competition policy.
d) A work programme agreed upon by Members at the Doha Ministerial meeting and related to the launch of a new round of negotiations on a range of WTO subjects with special emphasis on special and differential treatment for developing countries.
Question 27: In the WTO, monitoring and surveillance relates directly to …
a) WTO Members having resort to WTO dispute settlement mechanism.
b) The principle of transparency and ensuring the implementation of WTO commitments.
c) The principle of special and differential treatment for developing members.
d) The regular review of developed Members’ trade policies only.
Question 28: Which of the following statements about monitoring and surveillance in the WTO are CORRECT?
a) They contribute to enhance the transparency and smooth functioning of the multilateral trading system.
b) They take place in all WTO bodies and committees.
c) They flow, generally, from Members’ obligations to publish domestic regulations and to notify trade measures to the WTO.
d) They aim at understanding and discussing Members’ implementation of WTO obligations.
e) a), b), c) and d)
Question 29: The Transparency Mechanism for Regional Trade Agreements …
a) has been at the conclusion of the Doha Round.
b) is being implemented on a provisional basis and will be replaced by a permanent mechanism to be adopted as part of the Doha Round.
c) applies to all RTAs whether notified under Article XXIV of the GATT, Article V of GATS or the Enabling Clause.
d) both b) and c).
Question 30: The WTO provides a framework for member governments to:
a) agree on global rules applicable to their international trade relations
b) meet regularly and consider information provided by the members to the WTO
c) review each member’s trade-related policies and practices
d) settle their trade disputes
e) all of the above
Question 31: Which of the following is a source of gains from trade?
a) Gains from specialization and a broader variety of goods and services
b) Gains from more competition and lower prices
c) Gains from exploitation of economies of scale
d) All of the above are sources of gains from trade
Question 32: According to the MFN principle the treatment of an imported product originating from a WTO Member shall be as favourable as the treatment given to:
a) an imported “like product” from any other country
b) an imported “like product” from any other WTO Member
c) imported products from any other WTO Member
d) products produced domestically
Question 33: The National Treatment principle in Article III of the GATT 1994:
a) prohibits Members from discriminating between like products from different WTO Members
b) prohibits Members from applying certain internal measures on products of other WTO Members
c) prohibits Members from favouring their domestic products over imported like or directly competitive products of other WTO Members
d) prohibits Members from favouring imported products over their domestic products
Question 34: The general exceptions laid down in Articles XX of the GATT 1994 allow Members to derogate, under certain conditions, from one or more obligations contained in the GATT for the purpose of:
a) protecting non essential security interests
b) facilitating structural adjustment of the domestic industry
c) protecting their balance of payments
d) protecting human, animal or plant health
Question 35: Which of the following statement regarding Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are CORRECT?
a) Under the GATT, RTAs take the form of free-trade areas or customs unions.
b) WTO Members are allowed, under certain conditions, to depart from the MFN principle.
c) Free trade areas are more prevalent than customs unions.
d) RTAs can cover both goods and services.
e) a), b), c) and d)
Question 36: Which of the following statements about the TRIPS Agreement are CORRECT?
(a) Aims at promoting effective and adequate protection of intellectual property rights and ensuring that measures to enforce these rights do not become barriers to trade.
(b) Is based on the main conventions of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
(c) Includes the fundamental rules on national treatment and MFN principle.
(d) Recognizes Members’ right to adopt measures for public health reasons.
(e) All of the above.
Question 37: Which of the following statements about the WTO dispute settlement system are CORRECT?
a) Only WTO Members have the right to participate in WTO disputes.
b) It has been designed to ensure the enforceability of Members’ rights under the WTO covered Agreements.
c) The first formal stage of the process is consultations.
d) a), b) and c)
Question 38: Which of the following statements about monitoring and surveillance in the WTO are CORRECT?
a) They contribute to enhance the transparency and smooth functioning of the multilateral trading system.
b) They take place in all WTO bodies and committees.
c) They flow, generally, from Members’ obligations to publish domestic regulations and to notify trade measures to the WTO.
d) They aim at understanding and discussing Members’ implementation of WTO obligations.
e) a), b), c) and d).
Question 39: Aid for trade …
a) doesn’t cover productive capacity building and infrastructure for developing Members.
b) aims at helping developing countries, particularly LDCs, to remove internal barriers that prevent them from benefiting from trade liberalization.
c) is seen as a valuable complement to the Doha Development Agenda.
d) both b) and c).
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