Katelyn Chandler

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May 6, 2022, 10:00 PM


When implementing an evidence-based practice, one is hoping to improve an organization. In healthcare, evidence-based solutions aim at improving quality care and retaining staff. Additionally minimizing the cost of healthcare is important to consider when implementing new practices. Evaluating the likability and the success of an intervention is important before adopting the new change into policy, therefore this process should be completed carefully. For this reason, it is important to implement a technique to better measure the effectiveness of the change in the acute care setting. 

A method that would allow for better insight on the effectiveness of my selected interventions is collecting data over the last year to determine the number of staff who have left over the last 6 months to a year and retrieve the new data three months to six months following the intervention implementation. This would allow one to determine the interventions may be favorable. Additionally, a survey after trialing the intervention may allow for more insight on the likelihood of those staying due to the interventions and those who believe the interventions would be unsuccessful long term. Also, collecting data on the number of hospital-acquired infections and the rough estimate of the amount lost over 6 months with the new interventions compare the months leading up to the implementation of selected interventions.

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