Liberty University GLST 650 EXAM 1

Exam 1

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Attempt Score

37 out of 50 points  

Time Elapsed

55 minutes out of 1 hour


·         Time limit: 1 hour

·         24 true/false, multiple-choice, matching, and essay questions

·         Open-book/open-notes 

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·         Question 1

3 out of 3 points

Match the following



Selected Match



a  learned meaning system that consists of patterns of traditions, beliefs, values, norms, meanings, and symbols that are passed on from one generation to the next and are shared to varying degrees by interacting members of a community.



a set of standards that upholds the community’s expectations concerning “right” and “wrong” conduct.



is a term referring to a culture that emphasizes the we-identity over the I-identity.



is a term used for the concept of ‘touch’ as a form of nonverbal communication.



means to understand a communication  behavior  from the other person’s cultural frame of reference.



is a study concerned  with how people in different cultures structure, interpret, and understand the time dimension.

·         Question 2

2 out of 2 points

Chi and her friends prefer to be late for their appointments rather than abruptly terminate their conversation before it comes to a natural conclusion. Chi and her friends most likely belong to which time-schedule culture?

·         Question 3

2 out of 2 points

Individualism is a cultural pattern common in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South America.

·         Question 4

2 out of 2 points

In individualistic cultures, people tend to emphasize _______ verbal style, and in collectivistic cultures, people tend to emphasize _______ verbal style.

·         Question 5

2 out of 2 points

In perceiving the world, Vy tends to avoid thinking of behaviors, objects, and so on in either/or terms. So, she does not describe a person as “young” or “old,” but as “not so young,” “a little bit old,” and “not so old.” Vy is operating from what kind of a worldview?

·         Question 6

0 out of 2 points

An individual who actively pursues new intercultural knowledge to improve her communication competencies with individuals from another culture is operating at which stage of the staircase model of intercultural communication?

·         Question 7

0 out of 2 points

Which of the following suggestions should collectivists do in a conflict with an individualist?

·         Question 8

2 out of 2 points

Ethnocentrism is a defense mechanism used to view our culture as superior to other cultures.

·         Question 9

2 out of 2 points

According to the text, heterogeneous small groups have a ______ probability of groupthink and _______ creative problem-solving solutions than homogeneous small groups.

·         Question 10

2 out of 2 points

____________ refers to our larger philosophical outlook or ways of perceiving the world and how this outlook, in turn, affects our thinking and reasoning patterns.

·         Question 11

0 out of 2 points

An ethnocentric mindset means understanding a communication behavior from the other person’s cultural frame of reference.

·         Question 12

2 out of 2 points

In the ethnic–cultural identity typological model, an individual who identifies strongly with ethnic traditions and values but identifies weakly with the dominant culture’s values is operating from which of the four options?

·         Question 13

2 out of 2 points

In U.S. culture, the personal zone is ______________ in distance and is reserved for ______________.

·         Question 14

0 out of 2 points

During the post–Civil War era in the United States, government institutions promoted a policy whereby only those who owned land or were literate could vote, thereby negating the chances for newly freed slaves to vote and continuing their plight. To which theory or approach to the development of prejudice does this explanation relate?

·         Question 15

2 out of 2 points

The staircase model of intercultural communication depicts stages of:

·         Question 16

2 out of 2 points

In ________-context communication, the emphasis is on how intention or meaning is expressed through explicit verbal messages, whereas in ________-context communication the emphasis is on how intention or meaning is best conveyed through the embedded contexts and nonverbal channels.

·         Question 17

0 out of 2 points

________ identity is made up of traditions and ethnic values, whereas ________ identity focuses on the latest trends and technological advances.

·         Question 18

2 out of 2 points

Ethnicity is a subjective experience.

·         Question 19

2 out of 2 points

___________ is the study of space between persons, physical contact, and the inner anxiety we have when people violate our space.

·         Question 20

2 out of 2 points

The ethical relativism position states that the role of culture must be considered an important factor in judging behavior.

·         Question 21

2 out of 2 points

A person whose philosophy is reflected in statements such as “There should be one clear standard that all people in all cultures go by” operates from what ethical position?

·         Question 22

0 out of 2 points

People’s facial expressions for emotions are easily discernible across cultures.

·         Question 23

4 out of 5 points

Using some examples describe that you know the meaning of the text’s use of the concept of  flexible intercultural communication.

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