Read: Valentine: Chapters 11 – 12 


Watch: Power Women Breakfast Series: Business Roundtable’s Purpose Statement and the ESG Risk

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Discussion Thread: Shaping the Future of HR

 Assume you have been asked to give the keynote address at a gathering of the CEOs from the companies that are part of the Business Roundtable (see to an external site.). Given what you have learned from this course, what will be your 3 of 4 major recommendations to the CEOs for fostering both strategically and theologically sound HR practices? 


Discussion Assignment Instructions

Thread: Instructions

The student will complete one thread of 400-700 words. Additionally, each thread must be in current APA Format and double-spaced. 

Thread: Specific Reference Requirements

For Discussion Thread: Introducing HR and Christian Worldview and Discussion Thread: Shaping the Future of HR, include a references section, and be sure to have in-text citations for the following sources:

· At least 2 citations from Valentine: Human Resource Management.

· At least 1 citation from Hardy: The Fabric of this World: Inquiries into Calling, Career Choice, and the Design of Human Work.

· At least 1 citation from Keller: Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work.

· At least 2 citations from related scholarly journals (e.g. Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, Christian Scholars Review).

For Discussion Thread: Exploring Employee Engagement, Globalization, and Christian Worldview and Discussion Thread: Exploring Job Design, Staffing, and Christian Worldview, include a references section, and be sure to have in-text citations for the following sources:

· At least 2 citations from Valentine: Human Resource Management.

· At least 1 citation from Hardy: The Fabric of this World: Inquiries into Calling, Career Choice, and the Design of Human Work.

· At least 2 citations from related scholarly journals (e.g. Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, Christian Scholars Review).

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