Mechanisms of Infectious Disease

32 years old Jason is a general laborer who fell ill shortly after working on a job digging water pipes for the town he lived in. 

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The task involved working around stagnant water . Ten days afetr the contract ended , Jason developed a fever and aching muscles . He also had nausea and vomitting and diarrhea. Jason’s friend took him to to physician who listened carefully to Jason’s history . She told him she suspected West Nile fever and ordered serological testing . Jason went home recover and was feeling better by the end of the week.

Answer the following questions in detail and cite all references:

1.Jason’s physician ordered serological tests. How would antibody titers assist the doctors in confirming his diagnosis?

2. When Jason was feeling at his worst he had extereme malaise, vomitting and diarrhea. What stage of illness was he experiencing at that time? What are the physiological mechanisms that give rise to the signs and symptoms of infectious illness. 

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