The required text Early child development: From theory to practice discusses several environmental and genetic influences on child development. 

Initial Post: Select a topic from Chapter 2 or 3 of your textbook that interests you (ex: influence of genetics, family structures, culture, economics, mental health, or attachment style on child development). Next, use the Ashford University Library to locate a scholarly article on the topic that you have chosen. You will create a multimedia presentation using approximately eight- to ten-slides discussing how your topic impacts child development.  You are encouraged to use Prezi for your discussion. In the event that you have accessibility issues, please use PowerPoint  You can view a basic PowerPoint tutorial here. Link the presentation to your initial post. 

The presentation is expected to include the following:

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  1. Title slide for the presentation (1 slide) 
  2. Explain the topic/influence you have chosen (1 slide)
  3. Discuss how the selected topic/influence impacts children physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively (4 slides)
  4. Describe how the selected topic/influence is meaningful and relevant to you as a professional (1 slide)
  5. Use the textbook and at least one additional scholarly resource that support your ideas. 
  6. Make sure to cite the referenced sources in-text on each slide of content, as appropriate. For example, it is appropriate to cite on the slides any summaries, paraphrases, or quotes from sources you use in your presentation on the slide where the information appears.
  7. Include a reference slide that contains all referenced sources within your presentation (1 slide)

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