Reading materials and answer questions. No out resources, only description for conclusion and self thinking.


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Write 1-3 paragraphs for each short essay. The essays should include analysis (arguments/ideas) supported by evidence (historical content). 

1. What are Martin Polley’s three types of sports history? Give an example from assigned materials or lectures to demonstrate the three types, or levels of analysis.

2. Define Robin D.G. Kelley’s term “play-labor,” and explain its critique of amateur sporting ideology.

3. What does Pamela Grundy say football meant to white North Carolinians attempting to redeem the state after the Civil War?

4. How does Pamela Grundy explain the ambivalence of African American Southerners toward football, and what stories does she employ to illustrate her point?

What does John Bloom say football meant to Richard Henry Pratt, the founder of Carlisle Indian Industrial School? What elements of football overlapped with the “civilizing” mission of the school? 


The long essay should include multiple (at least 2) paragraphs. The essay should include analysis (arguments/ideas) supported by evidence (historical content). 

1. What are the component parts of modern sport that distinguish it from earlier games? How did industrialization play a role in the emergence of modern sport?

2. Explain amateur sporting ideology, and place it in its proper historical context.

3. Thinking about the origins of American football at the turn of the twentieth century, what meanings did the game hold for its cultural interpreters? Include at least 4 different historical meanings from the time period, and explain their cultural power.

4. How does the history of the desegregation of college football provide a window into a grassroots or local approach to understanding the Civil Rights Movement? What does Emerson Harvey’s experience tell us about Tempe, and Phoenix, and Arizona, in the 1930s?

Reading: bowled over 1-280page and following materials.

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