Wired Network Performance Consider a wired network model (OMNET++) using a Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) backbone switch linked to several Ethernet sub-switches (also called subnet) so that large number of wired nodes/clients can be accommodated to the network. For example, one subnet can support up to 20 nodes (for optimum performance). So, if you are simulating a network with 100 nodes in total, your network model should have 5 subnets linked to a GbE backbone. Simulation parameters: 

• Number of nodes/clients: 100 

• Simulation time: 3600 Sec (longer required for Video streaming)

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• Traffic type: Video streaming

 • Packet type: UDP packet 

• Performance metrics: 

(a) Video Throughput; (b) Video End-to-end delays; (c) Video packet losses. 

[Hint: Video streaming uses UDP transport layer protocol, and hence UDPVideoStreamCli, UDPVideoStreamSvr can be used for video client and video Server, respectively.] Investigation: Effect of increasing the number of video clients on system performance You may use the following table to record your simulation results. 

Analyse the results (including model validation) and write your report (4-6 pages) by summarising your research findings. 

Hint: You can draw several graphs including number of clients versus video throughput, end-to-end delays, and packet losses.

General Report Format Cover page: Assignment title, student’s name, and ID Introduction: What, why and how? – Begin your report with a clear objective (What!) of your assignment. Explain why this assignment/research is needed and how you have completed it. Outline the structure of the rest of the report. Modelling the network: Describe the model that you have developed using appropriate screenshots for models and subnet (hint: avoid unnecessary screenshots). Results and Analysis: Summarise your simulation results using tables and/or graphs (Excel or Matlab graphs) and provide a comparative analysis. Model Validation: Discuss how you have validated your simulation results. Lesson learned: Write a paragraph or two, reflecting on your own learning. Conclusion: Summarise the main findings and future research directions. References: List at least 5 references that you have used in the report. Report Length: (Part 1: 4-6 pages; Part 2: 10-14 pages) Spacing: 1.5 Font: 11 Times New Roman.

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