Write two Professional Profiles, one longer version (200-300 words) and one shorter version (50-100 words). A Professional Profile or Professional Bio is a form of personal branding. It’s a persuasive way to market yourself in your career. Before starting, think about the overall impression you want to make on potential employers and on your network of colleagues both now and in the future. Do you want to be known for having certain passions, character traits, qualifications, abilities, talents, or career aspirations? Or, perhaps you want to be known for having all or some of the above. There are a number of ways to organize your profile depending on who you are. But consider following the organizational plan below: What specific qualifications, abilities, talents, and/or passions do you bring to your profession? What recent or soon-to-be completed education or training do you have? What special work, life, or volunteer experiences have helped you develop the skills, interests, abilities, aspirations, or passions you bring to your career? Describe important leadership or management skills you have learned and describe something about how and where you learned these. What achievements have you acquired, including honors, awards, certifications, etc? Describe any other special abilities you have not mentioned above: knowledge of other languages, artistic, musical, athletic talents, coaching, etc. Write both of your profiles in the 3rd person POV, using an appropriate style that is business formal but also engaging. Wherever possible, write your profile as an interesting narrative, or story about you.


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