Instructions for writing a paper. Content Organize your paper into sections with headings. For a term paper the sections might be: Introduction, epidemiology, structure of the causing disease agents, Virulence factors and mode of action, signs and symptoms, treatments, Summary, References • Length (5edusson.com8 pages) is not the most important factor in judging your paper. A short and welledusson.comwritten paper is far preferable to a longer one which rambles and repeats itself. • Make sure that when you turn in your paper, you have read through it in its final form. This may prove difficult to do after the many editing sessions that you have already enjoyed with it. It is often very helpful to have a friend read it through as well as this lends a fresh perspective. Format • Please Singleedusson.comspace all your text. That way it is much easier for the instructor to annotate your work. • Use 1” margins all round. Use 12 pt font. Number your pages. Style • Avoid clichés. (“the bottom line”, “at the end of the day”, “all in all” etc.) • Avoid slang and informal terms of expression. (“Well, …”, “It was like, we went…”) • Avoid rhetoric. (“How should I interpret these results?”, “I asked myself – What do people think about global warming?”) • Do not use direct quotations in your text unless absolutely necessary. In general it is better to paraphrase or explain the ideas in your own words and simply refer to the original work. • If you use equations in your paper, make sure that every symbol in the equation is explained. Number equations sequentially for easy referencing. Grammar and spelling • Don’t rely on the spelling checker to find all your spelling errors. You must also read through you document to check that “their”, “there” and “they’re”, for example, are correctly used. • Read and reedusson.comread your manuscript. Edit it more than once or twice. Avoid the repetitious use of the same word in a sentence or a paragraph. Edit away all redundancies. I do not want to read the same information over and over again, simply expressed in a slightly different way each time. Remove unnecessary words. Be clear and succinct. DO NOT WAFFLE – I will not be impressed by length. References • At least 4 refrences o One web site and 3 books and/or magazines. • Cite articles by author(s) and year within your text. If there is a single author, the last name and year will suffice – e.g. (Hutchinson, 1995). If there are two authors, include both names and the year of the publication – e.g. (Hutchinson and Osborne, 1978). For more than two authors, use the first author with et al. – e.g. (Hutchinson et al., 1984). • Include the list of references at the end of your paper. Do not include references you have read but not cited. List the references alphabetically by the first author’s last name. The style of AGU (American Geophysical Union) is preferred. Figures • Number figures consecutively and give each a caption. Refer to them in your text by their number. Figures can be embedded in the text but if you find it too frustrating to coax them into the right place in Word, feel free to place them all together at the end of your document. • Make sure that you include all the information necessary to interpret your figures. In the case of graphs this would include the axes and units used, a legend for multiple lines or points displayed in different colors or patterns. For maps this would include a scale and North arrow. If figures are taken from other works, make sure you cite their original source.
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