For this assignment, you will identify potential ethical issues related to decisions that are made. You will examine what impact ethical considerations may have on decision-making processes and what impact corporate social responsibility can have on the outcome of decision-making for an organization as a whole.

Identify a business in your community. This can be your place of employment, a business with which you are familiar, or a business that you research in the University Library (Wells Fargo, Enron, Bank of America, Pepsi, etc.).

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Develop a 10- to 15-slide presentation (including detailed speaker notes) in which you evaluate the ethical and social responsibility practices within your chosen organization. You may use Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Microsoft® Publisher®, or any other presentation software of your choice.

Include the following in your evaluation:

  • Select a major business decision recently made by the business.
  • Evaluate how the business applies corporate social responsibility within its decision-making processes.
  • Identify potential ethical issues related to the major business decision that was recently made, and determine the effect that these issues may have had on decision-making processes in general at the business.
  • Discuss how critical thinking can be used to improve corporate social responsibility best practices.

Tutorial help on PowerPoint® and Publisher® can be found on the Microsoft® Office® website or by conducting a search in your web browser. Search the internet for tutorial help with other presentation software you may choose to use.

Cite a minimum of 2 references in the speaker notes.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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