Pick one of the topics to write a 6 page paper on. Please use citations and quotes mentioned in the topic you chose (An Outline of the history of Economic Thought by Screpanti or The Clash of Economic Ideas by White).
1. Screpanti/Zamagni in chapter 12 provide a host of new developments in economics over the past 40 years. Pick any one of those developments and explain the problem the theory is designed to address, how it addresses it, and what policies/institutions the theory seeks to promote.
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Order Paper Now2. Chapter 14 of White’s The Clash of Economic Ideas provides a look at the issue of free trade and protectionism up until the mid-2010s. What aspects of his argument about free trade and trade deficits do you see reflected in the arguments and policy positions being adopted today in light of COVID and other disruptions to international trade?
5 pages
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