POLI330 Week 5 Quiz Latest 2018


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Question 1

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 5) Which of the following statements best defines feudalism?

A political structure in which power is dispersed evenly

A system of political power dispersed among layers

A political structure in which power rests with church leaders

A system of political power distributed to the working class

Question 2

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 5) Countries with limits on government have usually had feudal pasts, which suggests what about the dispersion of power?

Equal distribution of power is the only effective political structure.

Power must be distributed by the working class.

Power should be concentrated among the lower classes.

Dispersion of power is good and concentration of power is bad.

Question 3

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 5) How often does the cabinet change in a parliamentary system?

Every 4 years

Every 6 years

Every 8 years

When the cabinet is voted out or resigns

Question 4

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 5) Because of the separation of powers inherent in a presidential system, some scholars think that executive-legislative _____ is common in systems like that used in the United States.





Question 5

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 5) Describe how the election process in a parliamentary system slightly resembles presidential elections in the United States.

Party chiefs run as candidates for prime minister.

Citizens vote directly for the each new prime minister.

Citizens vote for a party member with the knowledge that the next prime minister will be the head of the largest party.

The prime minister is appointed for a 4-year term and can be reappointed one time.

Question 6

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 5) Distinguish the process that a parliamentary system uses to oust a chief executive from the one available in the U.S. presidential system.

Parliamentary systems rely on impeachment and presidential ones rely on constructive no confidence.

Parliamentary systems use constructive no confidence and presidential systems have the option of impeachment.

The prime minister can dissolve parliament and the president can resign from office.

Parliamentary systems can hold a vote of no confidence and presidential ones have the option of impeachment.

Question 7

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 4) Which of the following issues is a civil concern?





Question 8

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 4) International law consists of _____ and established customs recognized by most nations.





Question 9

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 4) What legal agency in the United States generates reputation-based ratings of prospective federal judges?

Judicial Ratings Bureau

Federal Bureau of Judicial Review

American Bar Association

Office of Legal Assessment

Question 10

3 / 3 pts

(TCO 4) Describe the significance of Marbury v. Madison.

The ruling laid precedent for judicial review.

The ruling stated that the president is subject to the court’s decisions.

The ruling decreed that current administrations must honor the appointments of previous administrations.

The ruling claimed that federal taxes could not be levied on the states.

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