Hello everyone!

I hope you are doing well. I am Carlos Mercado and previously, I used to work as an Equal Opportunity Representative in the military from where I have gained ample practical experiences. I have a keen interest in playing baseball whereas I often spend my leisure time hiking. I believe that certain activities usually keep my physical and mental health well. Currently, I am working in the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the management position. I believe criminal justice is not only an enforced law but also an accountability of each member in society to support and protect their neighbors by standing against injustice. As I am currently involved in the public service department in TSA, I needed to explore knowledge about the topic, criminal justice to strengthen my contribution and pay back to society. Hence, I have joined this course to shape my actions in a way that can serve the best to my community members via protection and security.

In 2023, I covered an online news article where I read that Baltimore police officers dove into deep water to rescue a distressed woman. The incident took place near Harbor Hospital in South Baltimore. After a steer investigation and conversation, the Baltimore Police Department discovered that the woman was struggling with a behavioral emergency (CBSnews.com, 2023). According to the Baltimore Police Union Officials, the police officers put their life at risk to save the woman. The police officers demonstrated their bravery in the serious moment when neither the BPD Marine Unit nor the fire department’s boat were available.

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The overall incident raised the respect for the Baltimore Police Department to perceive values of the life of a local community member with whom they simultaneously interacted to know her issues. For the welfare of the human well-being, the police officers were admired. The officers not only rescued her but also took her to the hospital which proved their effectiveness in showing respect and values to each of the community members in Baltimore. As a result, the President of the Baltimore City FOP, Mike Mancuso Tweeted to congratulate and encourage the officers and their bravery acts proudly, reflecting upon their dedication towards the community.


CBSnews.com., (2023). Baltimore Police dive into water to rescue woman near Harbor Hospital https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/baltimore-police-dive-into-water-rescue-woman-near-harbor-hospital/

In response to two of your peers, explain any possible effects of the instances they described, both short term and long term. Who is impacted, both directly and indirectly? What are possible repercussions?

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