Wealthy and developing nations should work together to improve cyber-security for global connected networks. Improving cyber-security measures will protect the vital resource that is the internet so it can be utilized by all countries for economic growth, education, and information. Developing and wealth nations working together can ensure that citizens are informed and protected in today’s digital age (Chernenko, 2018). Wealthy nation’s play a huge part in helping developing countries achieve reliable cyber-security standards, but this should help should not be relied on forever as developing nations need to sustain their own cyber resources to contribute to the fight.

Developing nations need to support their own cyber-security workforce to be able to reap the benefits and improve cyber-security measures. Supporting their own cyber-security workforce will ensure that a developing nation’s critical infrastructure is protected to the greatest extent and provide full control over these services. A developing nation’s own cyber-security workforce will also prove to be cost effective as outsourcing cyber-security efforts can be very expensive and most nations may not be financially prepared to pay for this service for extended periods of time (Raywood, 2013). Finally, a cyber-security workforce is imperative for social and economic growth as dependability and trust between the government and citizen’s needs to occur for proper development.

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Wealthy nations need to help developing nations in the fight for improving cyber-security on a global scale. If wealthy nations do not help, they run into many risks. Developing nations are easy targets for cyber criminals and, if left unchecked, can great an organized crime ring that can one day be powerful enough to attack wealthy nations. The lost ability to have a multi-national framework of cybersecurity policies poses a significant risk as well. Without developing nations educating and training developing nations, there will never be a cybersecurity framework developed to help react to cyber incidents appropriately (Xinhua, 2017). Lastly, wealth nations do a lot of business with developing countries in one form or another. Without developing nations having proper cybersecurity developments, wealthy nations run a risk of having their information or financial transactions compromised when doing business.

Non-government organizations can play a significant part in helping develop global capacity for cybersecurity incident response. These organizations can help provide specialized training and education opportunities for both wealthy and developing countries. Organizations can also provide incident response programs to deal with cyber-attacks as well as provide feedback on cybersecurity measures already in place. These organizations receive almost zero funding from the government yet are providing critical services to protect the country from cyber-attacks (Jevans, 2015). Proper development of cybersecurity measures will secure the global economy and critical international data to ensure a safer digital environment.

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) is a center of expertise for cyber security in Europe. ENISA is actively contributing to a high level of network and information security (NIS) within the Union, since it was set up in 2004, to the development of a culture of NIS in society and in order to raise awareness of NIS, thus contributing to proper functioning of the internal market (2019). The Agency works closely together with Members States and private sector to deliver advice and solutions. This includes, the pan-European Cyber Security Exercises, the development of National Cyber Security Strategies, CSIRTs cooperation and capacity building, but also studies on secure Cloud adoption, addressing data protection issues, privacy enhancing technologies and privacy on emerging technologies, eIDs and trust services, and identifying the cyber threat landscape, and others. ENISA also supports the development and implementation of the European Union’s policy and law on matters relating to NIS (2019). The ENISA major three concerns are:

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