Respond to this discussion post in your own words with at least 2 paragraphs if you have a reference please use apa for 7th ed.


Accepted research tools are demonstrated using interviews, surveys, observations, questionnaires, and more (Babbie, 2015). With Covid-19 affecting the nation, it has affected research tools. Digital interviews are now more apparent within research and have been found to enhance long-distance participation and even be cost effective, however, the downfall to this is having technical difficulties that could affect the quality of an interview (Thunberg & Arnell, 2021). This data is analyzed either quantitively, qualitatively or by both methods. As discussed in previous discussions, qualitative methods are a collection of non-numerical data to understand a concept or opinion, however, quantitative data usually relies on numerical data to prove its point (Babbie, 2015, p. 26). It is always beneficial to use triangulation, when possible, to strengthen research findings.

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A research tool is the method utilized in research; however, research instrument discusses the procedures and methods used within the research too. (Research tools 1. 2021). A research tool is a tool used to measure a variable or collect information needed to answer a research question.


Babbie, E. (2015). The practice of social research (14th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Research tools 1: Observation. New directions in business, management, finance and economics. (2019, December 22). Retrieved from

Thunberg, S., & Arnell, L. (2021, June 1). Pioneering the use of technologies in qualitative research – a research review of the use of digital interviews. Retrieved from

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