Six Sigma.

Paper, you are to write about the Six Sigma process improvement model used by most Six Sigma organizations: DMAIC – for Define, Measure, Analyze,  Improve, and Control. Specifically, your paper should answer the following = questions and include the completed tasks: 

  1. Describe the Six Sigma process.
  2. Explain each of the five steps of a Six Sigma project.
  3. Identify an organization that has successfully utilized the Six Sigma process and explain the purpose of the project, the outcome of the project, and the major accomplishments or milestones associated with each of the five steps.
  4. Describe a past or present project that implemented the Six Sigma process.
  5. Discuss at least two new techniques, tools, or methods you learned in doing this research that you think could have been applied to a past or present project.

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Your paper will need to include a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations properly formatted according to the APA style guide. Also, your content should be eight to ten pages, which does not include your reference or tit le page. You will need to include at least five scholarly sources from the Ashford Library in your paper as part of your research to support your analysis.

Six Sigma

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