1. Explore a social determinant issue in your community (Hialeah, Florida, maybe homeless people or whatever you find pertinent) that may be impacting quality of life or health care. Take a picture of this issue as it may be represented on a billboard, or like Dr. Riley, a bus stop. Upload that picture into the discussion.2. Share your perspective about the social determinant issue with your class colleagues defining what role you might play in changing this social determinant in your community.3. Compose a 140-character Tweet that describes what you have shared with the class. Remember Twitter only allows 140 characters so you will need to be concise. Share this Tweet in the discussion.Instructions:Use anAPA 7 style and a minimum of 250 words. Provide support from a minimum of at least three (3) scholarly sources. The scholarly source needs to be: 1) evidence-based, 2) scholarly in nature, 3) Sources should be no more than five years old (published within the last 5 years), and 4) an in-text citation.citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in whichAPA stylestandards apply. Include the Doi or URL link.• Textbooks are not considered scholarly sour

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