I have a summary Response to do in Sociology class(instructions are below) and I have a Discussion post that needs to be done also. So basically its two assignments in this homework post here
Your paper should be roughly 500 – 750 words –two to two-and-a-half typed pages (12 point font).
B. “Wealth Inequality in America”
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Order Paper NowFor this summary-response paper you will discuss two videos, placing each one in its historical context. The first one, “America’s Distribution of Wealth,” presented in 1955 by Professor Clifton L. Ganus of Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas, purportedly demonstrates the widespread ownership of America’s basic wealth and the equitable distribution of national income at that time. The second, “Wealth Inequality in America,” summarizing the work of Michael Norton and Dan Ariely, professors at the business school of Harvard and Duke that shows that our perceptions of who has money and how much they have is quite skewed. Why are such different pictures presented of the distribution of wealth in the United States? How would you account for the inequality that exists and what, if anything, can be done to reduce the extent to which such inequality exists?
DISCUSSION POST? (READ BELOW for instructions)
2. About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes – that is one person every 3.6 seconds. This is down from 35,000 ten years ago, and 41,000 twenty years ago. Three-fourths of the deaths are children under the age of five. Go to “The Hunger Site”. Browse through this site and read about world hunger – use the drop-down menu “News and Info” located across the top of the page. Look also at “Click Results” using the “About Us” drop-down menu. Summarize and comment on this information. How do you account for the fact that more people “click” daily on the “Animal Rescue Site” (check this site – it is listed at the top of the web page) than the hunger site?
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