
Design thinking in business and other settings supports the work of organizational managers pursuing creative outcomes to solve problems. In this assignment you will write a paper to explore a design thinking scenario to deepen your understanding of design thinking as a tool supporting the process of resolving challenging organizational issues.


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• Review the following from the unit Readings and Resources:
o Chapter 1 of the e-book, Dispelling the Moses Myth.
o The table of contents and Chapter 1 of Solving Problems with Design

Thinking: Ten Stories of What Works.

  • Select one of the 10 chapters from Solving Problems with Design Thinking: Ten
    Stories of What Works.
  • Summarize the scenario in the chapter you selected.
  • Address the following:

o Part 1: What ways did the process described reflect the D4G design thinking approach of four basic questions?

o Part 2: Address any two (2) of the following:

  1. Evidenceofafocusondiscoveryoversolutions.
  2. Evidence of how problem solving and solutions boundaries were



  1. Evidence of enthusiasm in engaging partners in the work efforts.
  2. Evidence of commitment to real-world experiments rather than conducting
    analysis and using historical data.
  • APA formatted Word document.
  • Length of a maximum of 2 pages, excluding title and reference pages.

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