This is a group activity. For more information on groups, please see About Group Work.Finalize and post information for Milestone Three here. Submit as a Word document. You will continue in this document as you make progress toward completing the final project. Continue drafting the Word Document here. The assignment is due in Module Ten.

Milestone Three In 8-4 Group Discussion: Final Project: Milestone Three, you will submit Milestone Three. This should be a draft of recommendations for the future of this organization. Based on your analysis, what should this organization do to be successful in the future? Include an analysis of the industry, competition and organization, as well as detailed future recommendations for operations and management.  

Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your Final Document should be 2-3 pages long (not including cover page or references). Sources should be cited in discipline appropriate format. 

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Please only do the competition and organization portion of this assignment. It is a group project. I have included the other two assignments done for the organization. Here is the link again to the website:

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