This assignment is for you to learn how statistics is a part of every field in business and also a crucial part of our society.  MUST be an article from a peer-reviewed journal. Ideally, you will choose articles that are related to your major or an area of interest to you. I have had students review articles on sports, health, social media, parenting, marketing, economy, and the list goes on. Make sure you CITE your article in the standard APA 6th edition format.

**Three paragraphs: I am expecting about 1-2 pages, APA 6th edition format, 12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced, include a REFERENCE or WORKS CITED section at the end of your review.

1P) Summary of article

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2P) Summary the statistics used

3P) Did the statistics support their argument?

(1) Attach your summary as a Word Document or PDF file. Make sure to summarize the statistics.

(2) Attach your article as a Word Document or PDF file. OR Provide the link to the article in the assignment window.

attached is an EXAMPLE my instructor attached 

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