Conduct a SWOT Analysis for Faculty Development of a college by outlining their “Strengths”, “Weaknesses”, “Opportunities”, and “Threats”.  Be creative and also to be specific as possible.

Some things to think about:

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Strengths: What do they do well? What are their advantages?

Weaknesses: What could they improve? What do they do badly?

Opportunities: Where are the good opportunities facing them? What are the interesting trends they could take advantage of?

Threats: What obstacles do they face? What is their competition doing?

You may want to consider, especially for the opportunities and threats, some of the PEST issues the Faculty Development may encounter.

N/B: 2 pages, 12 pt Times New Roman font, with a 1 inch margin on all sides. cite at least two sources MLA format. Both Butler’s OWL and Purdue University’s OWL.  

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