
Find and synthesize evidence that supports potential interventions to mitigate the negative effect of the organizational challenge you identified in Week 5 as the focus of a prospective doctoral capstone project. Then, substantiate the applicability of the interventions to the organization, populations served, or both. In addition, substantiate the efficacy of the improvement intervention you think is the best candidate for a capstone project.


The assignment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for document format, length, and supporting evidence.

  • Summarize a search strategy for evidence supporting improvement interventions for one organizational challenge.
    • Summarize the significance of the identified challenge and need for improvement.
    • Briefly describe your search strategy and methods.
      • Include total search results, results by search term, and both inclusion and exclusion criteria results.
  • Synthesize research evidence to support potential improvement interventions for one organizational challenge.
    • Describe how the evidence from the studies you selected applies to the challenge.
    • Compare evidence from the studies that supports potential interventions.
    • Discuss the importance, relevance, and significance of specific aspects of the evidence related to potential interventions.
  • Substantiate the applicability of potential improvement interventions to the organization or population.
    • Describe ways in which potential interventions specifically apply to the type of organization or the characteristics of a population.
    • Compare anticipated outcomes of potential interventions with the mission and goals of the organization and the expectations of stakeholders.
    • Substantiate that the potential interventions can be implemented at a specific organization to facilitate improvements that mitigate the negative impact of the challenge.
  • Defend your choice of one evidence-based intervention, appropriate for a prospective doctoral capstone project, to mitigate the negative effect of the organizational challenge.
    • Describe the quality and level of evidence supporting your chosen intervention.
    • Present an argument to support a doctoral capstone project focused on the implementation of your chosen intervention.
  • Synthesize multiple sources into key themes or findings.
  • Use paraphrasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.


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