The 20th century bore witness to the emergence of a trend towards art that explored the human condition—art that explored human psychology with bizarre, irrational, and nonsensical ideas and images.  Such ideas and images are usually associated with our dreams and nightmares (our subconscious experiences).  You will write an essay on this trend.  To do so, you must follow these criteria:

Focus your attention on the Surrealists—an early 20th-century group of artists who created fantastical, bizarre, and irrational art.  You must explain Surrealism’s artistic agenda and pay particular attention to what the Surrealists intended to say with their art.  You must also explain why the strange works of artproduced by the Surrealists were timely—what they said about culture and society during the early 20th century.  Do not forget to cite specific artists and their works of art.  You cannot successfully write about this topic unless you do so.

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