In at least 300 words, please answer the following question:

Focusing on three of the course themes (government, religion, social class, gender, and geography/climate), compare ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia to explain whether it was more advantageous to live in ancient Egypt or ancient Mesopotamia.

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Suggestion for formulating a clear answer: Instead of describing Mesopotamia and Egypt separately, you should compare Mesopotamia and Egypt in terms of your three selected course themes to explain whether it was more advantageous to live in ancient Egypt or ancient Mesopotamia. For example, if you decide to focus on geography/climate, government, and social class, you should first compare the geography/climate of the two regions, explaining why geography/climate made living in one of them more advantageous than the other one, and then you should do the same for government and social class. Then based on whether the geography/climate, government, and social class was more advantageous in one than the other, come to your general conclusion about whether it was more advantageous to live in ancient Egypt or ancient Mesopotamia.

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