First, choose either Crevecoeur’s Letter (included as an attachment) or Barack Obama’s November 7, 2007 speech (“Agenda to Reclaim the American Dream”) also included as an attachment. Describe their vision of life in America in terms of both its promise and its problems. Discuss their visions of America in terms of Adams’ definition of the American Dream.

Next, choose two of the other texts (also included as an attachment) we have read in the previous modules. Evaluate how the ideas, arguments, and problems presented in these texts compare to those presented by Crevecoeur or Obama. For instance, you might want to choose a text that confirms Crevecoeur’s (or Obama’s) vision of America and another text that challenges or problematizes that vision.

Finally, assess the possibilities or impossibilities of achieving the American Dream as represented in these texts and the course generally. Has the progress of American life confirmed the possibility of the American Dream, or have the persistent challenges, divisions, and conflicts shown its impossibility? What progress has been realized and what still needs to be done?

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Write a 5–6 page paper in Word format (not counting title and reference page). Include an APA formatted title page and reference page. 

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