Unit 3 Discussion 1 Conceptual Model Development

Using the resources provided as a guide, post one PowerPoint slide of a conceptual model of the program you are working with for your research

study. Often these are logic models for program evaluations and systems models for action research studies.

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Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide.

Unit 3 Assignment 1

Oral Presentation on Research Topic Outline

During the Residency, you will deliver an oral presentation on the conceptual model and research question(s) you create throughout your course room work at your residency. Your presentation will include:

• The conceptual model that you develop for the organization that will be the focus of your final project.

◦ Use your conceptual model to justify the need for your proposed study and/or the research question(s) you are seeking to answer.

• The research question(s) that will guide your study of the organization.

• The research methodology used in your study.

• Relevant ethical consideration for your research study given the methodology, sample, population, and/or topic.

• Reflect briefly on the progress you have made in your understanding of research-design and how it applies to your final dissertation or

capstone project.

• Note: Be sure to include relevant references.

For this assignment create an outline for this oral presentation. You should not write in narrative paragraphs, but rather construct an outline that shows your speaking points for each section that this presentation will address.

This oral presentation should be no longer than 5 minutes. So, once you have your outline completed, practice your presentation and making revisions as needed to get it to the appropriate length.

Submit your outline in the assignment area prior to the due date.


Oral Presentation on Research Topic Outline Scoring Guide.

Scientific Merit Action Research Template (SMART) Form – PSL [DOC].


Research studies are based on a representation of expected relationships between constructs or variables. A theory is someone’s best guess at how

these relationships are expected to interact. A conceptual model translates those expectations into a graphical representation of those relationships.

For example, a logic model can be used to describe how a particular program should work, graphically describing inputs, processes, and expected

change. Action research or participatory research seeks to solve a practical problem. Participatory research actively engages practitioners and

stakeholders to inform the development and evaluation of a potential solution. 

The research is often circular in the sense that it is a process of collecting data, taking action, and then reflecting on the problem and process to guide improvements. Note how this is very different than the more linear approach taken in program evaluations. This process can be displayed using an action research feedback loop or systems model.

Course Competencies

• Competency 2. Apply advanced critical thinking skills to research methods and design.

• Competency 9. Apply academic communication skills in verbal and written interactions within the research process.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Explain the use of logic models in research studies.

2. Develop a logic model for a program related to your proposed research study.

3. Develop a plan to effectively communicate a research topic to colleagues.

Unit 3 Study 1

Theoretical Frameworks and Logic Models

Internet Resources

The W. K. Kellogg Foundation has a wealth of articles, resources, and guides that may prove useful to you throughout the completion of your

doctoral capstone and career. For this unit, please read the following from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation:

• W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide.

• Enhancing Program Performance With Logic Models.

• W. K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook.


Logic Model Media Pieces

• Logic Model: Sequence of Events | Transcript.

• Logic Model Self-Assessment Quiz | Transcript.

• Theory of Logic Change Model | Transcript.

Program Evaluation Theoretical Models Media Pieces

• Program Evaluation Process | Transcript.

• Focusing the Needs Assessment | Transcript.

• Qualitative Needs Assessment Methods.

• Quantitative Needs Assessment Methods.

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