If you are involved in a sport or fitness activity, it helps to have goals. When you have goals, you can plan to meet your goals. These plans can include a training strategy, a game day routine and warm-up, and a strategy to help you perform your best. Each sport will require focus on different areas of the body and different strategies for success.

For this activity, research one individual or dual sport, or an activity like dance, rock climbing, or hiking. Find out all you can about training and performing/competing in the activity. Make a guide for people who want to start participating in this activity. Your Activity Guide should include:

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  • A Clear Title
  • Training Strategy:
    • Name at least 3 muscle groups that are important in this activity.
    • Describe 3 training exercises for this activity. They can include strength, stretch, endurance, or coordination exercises.
  • Performance day tips for the activity:
    • Outline a warm-up routine with 3 parts
    • Three strategies for best performance, including offensive, defensive, and transition tactics, if appropriate.
    • Three tips for optimal mental readiness on the day of the event.
  • Include at least 3 illustrations or photographs in your guide.
  • Use at least 3 sources for information on your activity, and credit your sources.
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