Post Project In this lesson, you have learned about the role and responsibility of public healthcare; the core functions that govern public health; the ten essential public health services and the concepts of cause, cure and prevention of disease. You have also explored the external influences that affect the overall health of a nation including economic, environmental and cultural factors and the impacts of these influences. In addition, you have studied various careers in public health. In learning about public healthcare, you also read about the concept of community empowerment, when communities identify community health problems and the necessary steps to resolve such problems. For this project, choose a community public health facility. Study its website and any printed information about the organization. Visit the facility, interview an official from the organization and find out what ways the community is involved in identifying health problems and working with the agency/organization to resolve them. Summarize your findings in both a report and a presentation. Deliverables •A 750-word report •A 10-slide presentation Activity Details Step 1: Select a local public health agency. Identify a local public health agency. For example, select your county or city public health department. Or, do an Internet search for public health agencies for your area. Step 2: Conduct research and schedule a meeting. Review the website for the selected agency and make an appointment to meet with and interview an official at the agency. Step 3: Prepare for the meeting. Make a list of questions to ask the public official at your meeting. You will want to find out how the community provides input to the agency to identify health issues and resolve them. You may want to revisit the Lesson readings to review the topic of community empowerment. As you create your interview questions, consider the following concepts and questions: •Community empowerment results from activities related to community development, community organizing, community mobilization, community building and community competence. What evidence is there of these activities in this community and how do they relate to public healthcare? What steps has this community taken to foster community empowerment related to public health issues? •Has empowerment in this community resulted in increased community capacity and competence in the area of healthcare? If so, how? If not, what might be the reasons? •Does your community employ any of the community empowerment models discussed in this Lesson? If so, which one(s)? •Who participates in the community involvement in healthcare and to what degree? Who decides about which issues are addressed? How does the agency and community elicit participation by community members? While at the agency, you may also collect pamphlets or community outreach materials that will provide additional information. Alternatively, you can check for such materials at your local library. Step 4: Write a report. In a 750-word report, describe community empowerment in public health for your community. Include the following components: •A summary of what you learned in your interview and by reading the website and other literature •A description of strategies that have been implemented in your community and that encompass a health-related community-empowerment process Use these writing guidelines: •Include a cover page and a reference page in addition to your required page count. •Use correct APA format. •Double-space text. •Use size 12 Times New Roman font. •Optional: Use section headings to organize. •Indent paragraphs. •Include in-text citations as appropriate. •Use correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and verb tense. Step 5: Prepare a presentation. After completing your report, prepare a 10-slide presentation for community leaders interested in the status of public health services and community empowerment. As part of your presentation: •Present a summary of the findings in your report. •Compare those findings to what you learned from your reading and research in this lesson. •Identify strengths of the agency and community empowerment activities. •Identify any gaps and offer two or three recommendations. You will submit your slides in the Slide Presentation Dropbox. Use these presentation guidelines: •Include a title slide (not included in the required slide count). •Use clear, concise bullet points (not overly wordy and typically not complete sentences). •Aim for a preferred font size of 24 point with a minimum size of 18 point. •Use white space to avoid crowded slides. • Use upper- and lowercase letters (not all caps). •Use images, tables, charts, etc. to add variety and interest, as long as they also add value to your presentation. •In your presentation software’s notes section for each slide, document what you would actually say in a live delivery of this presentation. •At the end of the presentation, cite the sources you used to complete it.
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