
You have been assigned to incorporate community policing and engagement initiatives, such as those found in Chapter 14 of Community Policing Today, into the current departmental structure. You must include training in these new initiatives, as an ongoing function as well as for compliance and oversight.The first part of the assignment requires you to identify three specific initiatives to add to the department and then identify where they will fit into the organizational structure. Refer to the Police Department Organizational Structure [PPTX]. You will need to explain what type of training and support will be necessary for these initiatives.The second part of the assignment is to revamp the department’s recruitment and hiring process to attract and hire new officers who have the necessary traits to accomplish both the traditional policing function and the expanded community initiatives. Using the information from Chapter 12 of your Community Policing Today text, identify the important skills needed in these new officers and describe the process you will use to evaluate these skills.


Write a 5–7 page paper in which you:

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  • Identify three specific community policing initiatives to add to the department.
  • Determine what type of training and support will be necessary for each of these initiatives.
  • Select where each initiative will fit into the organizational structure.
  • Justify why these three initiatives will enhance the department’s relationship with the community.
  • Identify the important skills needed in recruiting new officers who can perform both traditional policing and the new community policing initiatives.
  • Explain how you would evaluate and measure these traits and skills.
  • Use five credible, relevant, and appropriate sources to support your writing. Cite each source listed on your source page at least once within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides
    • You may use Community Policing Today for one of your sources, but you must provide at least four additional sources to support your selected initiatives.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Propose a working business model for the police department of the future.

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