Week 3,5,7,8 

Week 3

Local law enforcement agencies are increasingly using drones.  With their cameras and heat sensors, the drones are able to locate missing hikers, monitor crowds, and track fleeing criminals.  New reporters and other private individuals may also use them in the near future.  Find a report of an actual use of a drone.  Describe it briefly.  Does it threaten privacy?

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Your paper should be at least one page in length, and be completed using APA style and format.

Week 5

Find data for the past 15 or 20 years on music industry revenue for recorded music.  Describe how it has changed over that time.  (Indicate whether the data are for the United States or worldwide and whether they include music subscription services and ad revenue as well as sales).

Your paper should be at least one page in length, and be completed using APA style and format.

Week 7

In recent years, only about 20% of students earning college degrees in computer science in the United States were women.  This is down from a peak of 37% in 1985 (National Science Foundation, 2008).  Why do you think relatively few women major in computer science?  What characteristics or images of the field might discourage women?

Your paper should be at least one page in length, and be completed using APA style and format.

Week 8

Find an article in Wikipedia on a subject that you already know a lot about.  Read and review the article.  Is it accurate, well done, complete?

Your paper should be at least one page in length, and be completed using APA style and format.

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