
In this week’s assignment, you focus on using healthy competition and rewards to drive employees to perform their best. This will be the third part of your Motivational Game Plan.


In your new position as General Manager for Hometown Cars, you are responsible for increasing your company’s profits by 10% for the year.


1. Design two competitions with rewards, one for the sales teams (both new- and used-car) and one for the service and parts team. Keeping the larger company goal in mind, develop parameters for the competitions. Refer to the Coach’s Huddles and Read About It in Weeks 5 and 7 for information about healthy competition and rewards.

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2. For each team competition, create a one-page flyer that details the parameters of the competition to the relevant team.

3. In 1–2 well-organized paragraphs, explain the following about the competitions on a separate page:

Explain whether the competition you are creating for each of the teams is direct or cooperative.

Explain how the rewards or recognition you will offer are appropriate for the competitions.

Explain how you will communicate the details of your competition and the rewards offered to both the sales and service teams.

Explain why competition works as a motivational strategy.

Be sure to justify your responses using course learning materials

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