Your team has been humming along for a little over a week now. The conflicts that appeared last week seem to have subsided. However, your supervisor has just informed you that the deadline for completing your team’s goal has been moved up by two weeks. You now have less time to complete the same amount of work. Your supervisor has asked for a short summary on your plan for achieving the goal within your shortened timeline.

Write a 350- to 525-word summary on how you will manage the team’s resources in the face of these new timelines. Answer the following questions in your summary:

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  • How many people are on your team? What are their roles? What are their skill sets? How can these be rearranged to meet the new requirements?
  • Are there enough human resources to complete the project two weeks earlier? If not, how can you increase the team’s capacity?
  • Are there aspects of the project that can be condensed or skipped? What are the implications of skipping or condensing tasks?
  • Are there costs to be considered with these changes?
  • How can you leverage what you’ve learned about solving problems in teams to meet the new project requirements?
  • How do you intend to communicate the new requirements to the team in order to gain their buy-in?

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